
Bare feet cold and cramped
Feeling trapped so I cut it loose
That’s just what I do when trapped
Burn the rope that binds
Myself from my Faery self
Freeze the hand that tames

My shape is wild
And Unseen
For you don’t see the bleeding heart that needs a gentle hush
Tender hands and careful words
She's invisible to you
This spontaneous creek loving girl

All you see is the object of your lust
Undressed and hopping into water
Snowmelt pulsing
Valley soil eyes
Flesh-gleam tight with cold
Curves like winding streams

And there truly is no love in how
I was taken quickly against the trunk
Fae joy fading into gelid moss
As my heart congealed again
Into this human woman
Living in Survival

Breathing Sky

August Lilies

Here lilies lick the growing moon.
The moon, he kisses back.
They're opening,
Communing with the shining king.

The scent of them,
Their petals sweet,

Tilted back
to feel his lips
brushed upon their gentle tips,
the perfumed drafts of supple forms
dancing in the balmy dark
beckon to his majesty,
call him from his slumbering.

And he is calling back to them,
the stars around rejoicing.
This ecstasy between them
shines to the one in awe,
fills the gentle August air 
with trembling passionate spice
that only lasts for a few warm nights
before they lie dormant again. 

Cranberry Columbine Creek

It’s like the 
damp littered forest is 
obfuscating my senses.
The way it smells,
the way you smell, 
running heartily down the mountain.
Catch me!
Catch up to me! 
Cranberry columbine creek.

To the boughing trees where I sink:
The summer sun 
is lemonade 
through branches cool and long.
The dawn and then 
the dusk. 
East to west.
Colors falling 
in the glass;
sweetened syrup.

And I’m a wet mess 
river swamp thing; algae:
Salmon skin 
shining in the 
of tributary 
creek to river,
river to sea.

I left you in the dust of basalt 
but we were already breaking; 
the summer sun 
iced lemonade,
cold beer, warm wine, 
and water-blood. 
The words we loved. 
We drank so much we consumed each other!
We carved our names into sandstone 
as if they would stay,
as if I would stay.


In the trees elf-disc comes through in
I can’t stop facing 
cranberry colored,
lemonade-draining creek.
Cranberry. Columbine. Creek.

Beloved, you died in those sugary woods. 
My heart, your heart;
the same creature beating. 
Wrapped in fat, 
dripping dark black
blood in a trap 
dangled from doorway.
Cranberry columbine creek.

I wanted to write,
but you hung your heart in the trap 
and had it bleed before me, 
as if me writing would destroy us.
Somehow you knew 
if I was given the space to write,
I would leave.
Inevitable that I leave.


Mountains high and glossed.
Lemons squeezed and tossed, 
tossed then found,
lost, and bound 
to standing rocks 
beside the stream 
looking down, 
not behind,
but down.
cranberry columbine creek.


If anything, I brought you to me. Fires lit and blood spilt, cedar burning, moon high.

Your eyes always did shine amongst the trunks, in a myriad of greens, blending in with darkened firs and madrones.

I called for you in the night, imagined you with horns, bucking, running, singing in a circle of stones, stars bright behind a tree-line of inky, jagged black.

You were so tall and shadowy.

Offering blood and milk, I asked for you. Holding mead and troth, I gave to you… worship…..

My heart was a purple moon and you ate it. You wolf of the forest, buck of the Wood.

And then I could feel your movements, see through your eyes.

I baited you for the Hunt.


Pulling red beets from black soil
Aggregate minerals tumbling down
On my knees in the sanctuary
Patella bones cradled by earth

Fertilized to crimson
To blood-red and black
Sweet-hearts-shaped and beating
With the sky a shade of dusk

To pull them right
Balsamic moon holding
In the open of my hands
Juice-trickle so like blood

Sacrificial bulbous
Root to spinous process
Bending every fiber
Of these aching limbs too real


This dead rose
And forlorn 
In sorrow

And hollow
Yet bright
In the tallow


And stones of darkness
Garnet teardrops
Snowflake obsidian
Smoky quartz

But the browned rose
Knows its own death
So well
It glows

Amongst the collection of stones

Cast the circle outward
Then back into itself
I drink in the darkness
I eat the hearts of stones


Oaken mold of trees
Blood to rotting roots 
Baying on the ridgeline
She-wolf hides her skins

Skulking peeking cautious
Takes on human form
Changes with the moon
Seeking fresher carcass

Bred into the soil
And bones bereaved of love
A skeleton of winter
And icicle drips

Lofty slopes
Her lair is dug 
Where trembling saplings
Plead for sun

Darkness here
This Stygian wild
Fed from grief
And the trickling springs

Weress woman
Hides her skins 
The deepest trunk
Of the eldest tree

She dons them again
On New Moon
Just reclaimed 
From balsamic

And so the cycle 
Meager existence
Mountain heart
Crevasse bound

Serpents Delve

I build things and then destroy them
There are no endings
Only a serpent spinning

Is there a light at the end of the tunnel
I can not
Will not 
Long for it
Darkness encircles me
Darkness is me

Melting into a cave of quiet
My slick limbs smeared onto walls of stone
This heart beats toward the slithering gold
That pulls and taunts me toward its luster